Sunday, 13 December 2009

Design for digital media

Well then, this is my first posting for this module, just a couple of clips and thoughts to start with. The focus of the module so far is on Adobe After Effects so I have posted up some example of work that was done using this program (or at least work that I think was done using this program). 

First up, an example from Fred, still one of the best I have seen because it is a flashy, clever use of digital media effects that communicates well without being cheesy. To my eyes a lot of After Effects stuff looks cheap and nasty because effects are added for no good reason, the equivalent of those nasty filters that people new to Photoshop use. This song now wont leave my head.


Next up is one of the better pieces of 'Kenetic Type' I have found. A lot of these are very samish but I think this one works well mainly because the original sound clip gave a lot of scope to express the words in a fun way. Tom and myself used this clip as a timeline analysis, which will be posted up on my design practice blog very soon. Sound clip is of the worst lawyer in the world failing to overcome his nerves and represent his client from the film 'My Cousin Vinny'


Last one is something slightly more complex, but apparently all done in after effects. I'm not sure about the pacing, of even what its communicating, but some serious 3d building skills in evidence here!

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Future retro space

As part of my 'What is Good' brief (see my design practice blog) I started looking at graphics from the 50's and 60's that captured the optimism of future space travel. Well I'm glad to say I have found loads more and i'm clearly not the only one who sees something of interest in these.

This is an artists rendering of the L5 Society , a fantastic and outlandish vision of future colonies in space, the society membership topped 10,000 at its peak. More images at:

This image from another page on This time old Russian and german visions from the rocket age, for more click here

Finally, click for another great link. Collier's magazine ran a series of articles in the early 50's looking at future space travel from scientific viewpoint, although these look fantastical today, they were a serious vision and apparently had quite an influence on people at the time.

Also, Collier's logo is done in a lovely typeface, if anyone knows what that is please tell me.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

What is design for print (summer presentation)

Well yes, finally I am posting up this presentation I made before the start of term, and starting my Design Context blog. This was my early research into the processes involved in commercial print, I learnt a little about the use of stock colours and the lithograph process making this, but I have since learnt a LOT more.

One little mistake: I have labeled a piece of work as using metallic spot ink, but I now recognise this as an example of foil blocking.